In the early 1980s we began as a support group, working as part of the Mississippi Chapter of the National M. S. Society, giving peer support to each other. As topics came up about the needs of our group, we realized the National’s primary goals were in research. This is so important, and we appreciate their hard work in this area, however, we saw a need locally. We began to realize there was another area that should be addressed. Some of our members were having difficulty meeting their financial needs.
In 1993 we became a registered charity in the state of Mississippi, as the Mississippi Gulf Coast Multiple Sclerosis Society, serving MSers along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. There are no salaries. We are all volunteers--our motto is “MSers helping MSers”. The primary goal of this organization is to help MSers and their caregivers.
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Read About The Mississippi Gulf Coast Multiple Sclerosis Society
Here’s hoping you are all managing your M.S. well today. It looks like the Fall temps are finally coming in…to stay for a while. Fall is my favorite season. Now to give y’all some updates.
As you may have seen on the news, the St. Martin Library will be closed until February of 2022. They are doing some major changes in the building, so we are working on finding a meeting place for next year.
We are hoping to have our first fundraiser in March. We are checking with the Elks in Biloxi about having a charity Bingo during the National M.S. month, March. As you know, we have not been able to have a fundraiser for two years, so we need all of you to pitch in…to promote the event and sell tickets. I will send each of you a flier, when we have a date set, for you to pass out in your neighborhood, at your churches and among your families. Ask anyone you know to take a flier to work and share the information.
Even though we have all been isolated at home, there are those who have needed our help during this pandemic. There are some of you who have insurance and are able to take care of your medical, medication and equipment needs, but we have several members who are not as lucky. They are on limited incomes. With only Medicare to rely on for medical and medication needs. We are here for all of our members, no matter what, so all of us need to work to help raise money so the organization can be there for us when we might need it. I’m not ashamed to say I have needed the organizations help in the past, that’s why I work so hard for it. I know it can be a life saver.
Get ready to start working to help our fellow MSers. I will be in touch when I have a date set.
God Bless each of you.
Sheila - 228-596-0525
Marilyn - 228-424-7374
Sharon - 228-806-4523
Bonnie - 228-324-3569